Club Rules
The clubs current rules are in your handbook please make sure you read and understand them in order to avoid any disputes.
The rules are also available to download or read HERE
New Members
If you are interested in becoming a member of our club please download and complete the new membership form HERE and post it to Jason Collins at the address on the bottom of the form. Please do not send any money with the form as you will be notified if your application was successful and be asked to pay at that point. If you don’t know anyone who is a member of the club it is not essential that you are proposed and seconded.
We have a limit on the number of members we take in order to ensure our waters are never crowded. If there are no vacancies when you apply your name will be added to the waiting list and you will be notified when a vacancy occurs.
Current membership fees are £100 for the first year and £60 thereafter. Junior membership is £10 per year and is open to anyone under 16 (18 if in full time education)
There is currently no waiting time for new junior members and you can download an application form HERE
Existing Members
If you are an existing member, you can download your renewal form HERE.
We have limited membership to 350 and there are currently in excess of 50 on the waiting list and these will only be taken on to replace any member not renewing. In view of this all existing members must renew by 31st March so please ensure you renew by this date.
If you are renewing can you please use a separate form and make a separate internet payment for every renewal with details of who the payment is for to help with collating the renewal with a payment. Thank you.
Junior Members
Junior members can fish the juniors lake at Falklands . It contains mainly Crucian Carp and Tench but there are a few small Mirrors and some Roach in there.
The club also run junior fishing session during school holiday periods that are open to all children under 16 even if they are not members. We can provide basic tackle and bait if your child would like to have a trial. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Numbers are limited by the number of members available to assist so please check with Phil Rayner via the contacts page.
Existing Junior Members can download a renewal form for the coming season HERE